sabato 3 dicembre 2011

Serata di Gala con Ambasciatore cinese e delegazione aziende Hubei

L'Associazione Sviluppo Italia Cina (ASIC) partecipa alla serata di gala presso il St. Regis

questa sera 3 Dicembre 2011 con la partecipazione dell'Ambasciatore cinese presso la Repubblica Italiana Ding Wei e una delegazione della Provincia dell'Hubei per promuovere gli scambi e la cooperazione tra Cina ed Italia.

Parteciperanno in particolare:

1. 李鸿忠 中共湖北省委书记、省人大主任Li hongzhong(Secretary of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, director of the provincial people's Congress)

2. 驻意大利大使 DingweiEmbassy in italy)

3.许克振 湖北省发改委主任Xu kezhen(HuBei province Developoment and Reform commission).

4.王文童 湖北省财政厅厅长Wang wentong(Director of HuBei provincal depatment of finances )

5.周先旺 湖北省商务厅厅长Zhou xianwang(Director of HuBei provincal depatment of business)

6.杜建国 湖北省文化厅厅长Dujianguo((Director of HuBei provincal depatment of culture)

7.贾耀斌 东湖新技术开发区管委会党工委书记Jia yaobin( donghu new Fechnological developmet zona secretary)

8.晏蒲柳 湖北省外侨办主任Yan puliu(Director of Hubei outside foreign national office)

9.马清明 鄂西圈投党委书记Ma qingming(E xiquan secretarry of the party committee)

10. 省委总值班室主任 Li bin(Province director on duty)

11.杨雁雁 驻瑞士使馆新闻处处长Yang yanyan(Embassy in Swiss director)

12. 省委办公厅处长,李鸿忠同志秘书Liu feng(provincal party committee)

13.李继伟 省发改委外经处处长Li jiwei(provincal developoment and reform commission)

14.杨利民 省文化厅外联处处长Yang limin(Director of HuBei outside provincal depatment of culture)

15.侯继文 省外侨办欧非处处长 Hou jiwen( Outside provincal of Europe and Africa director)

16. 省外侨办秘书处副处长Xiaomin(Outside provincal deputy sectionchief of the secretariat director)

17.王卓君 省外侨办翻译Wang zuojun(Outside provincal of overseas chinese translation)

18. 省外侨办翻译Zhouzhou(Outside provincal of overseas chinese translation)

19. 黄俊华 湖北日报总编室副主任Huang junhua(Daily of Hubei editorial assistant director)

20. 湖北广电总台电视新闻中心政宣组组长Tianyuan(Hubei Broadcasting television news propaganda group)

21. 湖北广电总台电视新闻中心记者Lu tao(Hubei broadcasting television news reporter)

22. 湖北广电总台新闻综合广播采访部副主任 Shihui(Hubei broadcasting station news radio interview with deputy director of the Department of comprehensive)

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